Legendary architect Harry Weese once posited that “every building is a landmark.” In OUTside THE PRACTICE: MONUMENTS AND PLACES OF MEMORY, Chicago-based architects and designers present distinctive and original visions on the topic, relieved of the constraints of conventional architectural practice. Curated by Stephen Wierzbowski, FAIA, Edward Keegan, AIA, and Lelde Kalmite, works include drawings, paintings, sculptures, photography, watercolors, installations, mixed media, and sketchbooks. Presented by the Bridgeport Art Center, the exhibit is a partner program of the Chicago Architecture Biennial and sponsored by AIA Chicago. The show will run through November 1st, 2019.

Glam and Doom: A Review of “Environment/s/tallation” at the Bridgeport Art Center
New City Magazine – FEBRUARY 8, 2023 AT 7:00 AM BY PARKER YAMASAKI Read the full review here